
  • Dans les pensées de nos mères. Littéralement.

    Recent findings showed that during pregnancy, mothers and fetuses often exchange cells that can apparently survive in bodies for years, a phenomenon known as microchimerism. Scientists had found that in mice, fetal cells could even migrate into the brains of mothers. Now researchers have the first evidence fetal cells do so in humans as well.…

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  • Peur, culpabilité et sérotriage

    And yet, I’ve turned down guys who are open about their positive status. I watched the onset of AIDS in the ’80s through the confused eyes of a child. I had it drilled into me that this was a disease to stay far, far away from. I also know better than to sleep with someone…

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  • ASMR : Massages for your brain

    ASMR : Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a physical sensation characterized by a pleasurable tingling that typically begins in the head and scalp, and often moves down the spine and through the limbs. Also known as : AIHO (Attention induced head orgasm), AIE (Attention induced euphoria), or simply « head orgasms »/ »head tingles ».  » ASMR : Massages…

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  • Apocalypse Zombie, phase 1

    — Un cannibale abattu à Miami.  » New Jersey Man Throws Intestines at Cops.  » A Montauban, un homme ivre mange l’oreille d’un autre. Ça commence. Je ne regrette pas d’avoir pris le temps, avec mes amis du club Apocalypse, d’établir un plan d’urgence, et d’acheter un Leatherman. L’opération NPSM (Ne partez pas sans moi) est en…

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  • Unstoppable

    Une vidéo pour le Comité paralympique canadien. Goosebump. The video was shot in one continuous take on a rainy Toronto night and the entire set was mapped in 3d before the shoot for a quick and easy build.  » Toronto photographer Mark Zibert shoots Unstoppable campaign for Paralympics,

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  • Pourquoi il faut laisser les enfants manger de la terre

    In a study published online today in Science, the researchers show that in mice, exposure to microbes in early life can reduce the body’s inventory of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which help to fight infection but can also turn on the body, causing a range of disorders such as asthma or inflammatory bowel…

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  • Les acides gras trans sont mauvais pour vous (air connu)

    Non seulement ils font grossir, augmentent les risques cardio-vasculaires et sont liés à une augmentation des risques de cancer (du sein, par exemple), mais ils dégradent aussi notre humeur et la qualité de notre sperme (bon, ce dernier point, j’avoue que je m’en carre, mais quand même). This study provides the first evidence linking dTFA…

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  • Les leçons à tirer des films catastrophes

    Their special effects can be realistic enough to make us feel like we are right there in the heart of the storm. But frequently, the heroes and heroines of these movies respond to disasters in ways that bear no resemblance to what people in the real world should do. We can nevertheless use disaster films…

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  • Le business des rubans roses

    Pink Ribbons, Inc. est un documentaire canadien. Des milliards de dollars ont été recueillis mais le taux de cancer du sein en Amérique du Nord a été multiplié par 8, et le ruban est utilisé par de grandes marques, alors même que certains des composants de leurs produits sont cancérigènes. Sans parler de la «cut-isation»…

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