
  • Pour Access Copyright, un lien internet est une copie

    Access Copyright collects royalties for course packs, anthologies of readings from books and journals compiled by professors. Under the agreement, the fee has been changed from $3.83 plus 10 cents a page to a flat fee of $27.50 for all course packs, which students pay. The agency also states that hyperlinks to copyright material —…

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  • Pinkwashing

    But Saturday’s protesters felt differently. Palestinian queers have reached out to us, said Emmaia Gelman of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid, and you can’t fight for queer rights in a state with no civil society. Several protesters, many of whom said they were Jewish, invoked what they called pinkwashing, Israel’s alleged touting of its progressive stance on…

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  • Le rôle du sauna gay

    You’re more real, you’re being yourself, and you can’t play games, said Chundydyal. He added that your barriers for what’s acceptable change once everyone is out of their fashionable clothing and wearing identical white towels. This inclusive environment also makes saunas a safe haven for those who otherwise aren’t accepted in society. New immigrants, for…

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  • Saeed Malek

    Saeed Malekpour wrote a program to upload photos to the Internet, an accomplishment that could cost him his life, Amnesty International reported Friday. Authorities in the Islamic Republic claimed his program was used by someone else to upload pornography and charged him with « insulting and desecrating Islam. » Malekpour, who is a Toronto resident, was arrested…

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  • L’usage excessif du droit criminel

    Fin 2004, alors que prenait fin une relation amoureuse de quatre ans, Diane, une résidante de Montréal, décidait courageusement de porter plainte à la police pour violence conjugale après qu’elle et son enfant eurent été battus par son ex-conjoint. L’aurait-elle fait si elle avait pu prédire la suite des événements? Diane était séropositive et cela…

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  • Le business des rubans roses

    Pink Ribbons, Inc. est un documentaire canadien. Des milliards de dollars ont été recueillis mais le taux de cancer du sein en Amérique du Nord a été multiplié par 8, et le ruban est utilisé par de grandes marques, alors même que certains des composants de leurs produits sont cancérigènes. Sans parler de la «cut-isation»…

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  • Space Canuck

    Two weeks ago, Ho and Muhammad launched a homemade balloon carrying a Lego passenger and four cameras. It fell back down to Earth 97 minutes later with astonishing footage from an estimated 24 kilometres above sea level, three times the typical cruising altitude of a commercial aircraft.  » Toronto teens send Lego man on an…

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  • Today’s Online News Norms

    For Bentley — who co-owns AllNovaScotia with his daughter, the publisher — getting it out there simply wouldn’t happen without the site’s uncompromising paywall. We’ve got to do that, otherwise they won’t buy the bloody thing, he says flatly. Our competition is people who want to read it for nothing. That’s the great big overarching…

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  • Complementary Beverage

    Un coupon pour une boisson gratuite, pour me rappeler qu’à Toronto, un soir d’octobre 2006, légstèrement égayé par l’alcool, et pour fêter l’anniversaire de Klaus, j’ai levé la main pour participer au Best Ass Contest du Woody’s. J’ai marqué beaucoup de points avec mon accent «from Parisse» mais je n’ai pu que m’incliner devant deux…

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  • Christmas Spells

     » Justin Vivian Bond, Christmas Spells, 2010. In December 2010, Bond opened a new show at the Abrons Arts Center, New York City, entitled simply Justin Bond: Christmas Spells. Based upon a short story that had been written by Bond’s friend, the novelist Kate Bornstein, Dixie Belle: The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn « imagines Huck…

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