
  • La belle époque

    Le regard désabusé de Thierry Pelletier : Il est revenu le temps des cadors en costard croisé.

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  • Mon “NON” est personne

    M. nous rappelle, que nous n’avons aucune raison de nous inquiéter : [Personne|http://mlemaudit.blogs.com/melismes/2007/04/dmentis.html|fr], et surtout pas S.a.r.k.o.z.y., notre candidat préféré à l’élection présidentielle, n’a exercé de pressions sur personne.

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  • AdBusters

    How cool is that : IllegalSigns.ca is tracking Toronto’s outdoor advertising industry, fighting illegal billboards to reclaim the public space. According to the website, “half the billboards in Toronto are illegal”. [Via Insulaires].

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  • Séro-criminel

    Mon ami Coco, qui est un happy morning freak assumé m’a envoyé au réveil ce lien vers un article de Libération, Quand la contamination devient crime : «Plus de 36 pays en Europe ont modifié leur législation pour criminaliser la transmission du VIH à un partenaire.» Inquiétant et contre-productif pour les associations et l’Onusida. Ne…

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  • Political Blogging

    Still on [the famous linguistics blog|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Log|en] [Language Log|http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/|en], two interesting pieces about [French political blogs|http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/%7Emyl/languagelog/archives/004352.html|en] and more specificly [the differences between France and the US|http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/004396.html#more|en]. Regarding that second piece, it’s funny to see how easy it is for American people, even for somebody like Mark Liberman, to underestimate the power of US culture over the…

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  • An other good reason to go organic

    It’s not only good for the environment, it also has more nutrients with beneficial health effects : [Organic food is better for you|http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/lifestyle/article2414745.ece|en]. Via [One.point.zero|http://onepointzero.com/2007/04/03/#570|en].

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  • Freedom of bigotry

    Sometimes, something reminds me we really are in North America : Parents protest gay-friendly classes in B.C.: Thousands of British Columbians have signed petitions and sent letters to the Education Ministry insisting that parents be allowed to pull their children from public school lessons to avoid gay-friendly messages that conflict with religious or family values.

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  • Hédonisme

    Le philosophe Michel Onfray a un blog pour la présidentielle et étrangement, il a choisi la plateforme du Nouvel Obs.

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  • Vote for Web 2.0

    If you’re tired of Facebook already (Well, I just joined, but that’s because I’m not a hype teenager anymore), you can still join My.Barack.Obama, the candidate’s for the US presidential election social network. I wonder if you can check “Whatever I can get” in the “Looking for” category too.

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  • Proof of Procreation

    Pure logic. If the Washington Supreme Court can rule that the state could prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying because it has a legitimate interest in preserving marriage for procreation (as it did last summer), married people should file “proof of procreation” to get marriage benefits : Gay Rights Activists Introduce Initiative that Would…

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