Les 10 films les plus piratés de 2011 ne sont pas disponibles en ligne
And if you don’t make your product available legally, guess what? The people will get it illegally. Traffic to illegal download sites has more than sextupled since 2009, and file downloading is expected to grow about 23 percent annually until 2015. Why? Of the 10 most pirated movies of 2011, guess how many of them…
Pourquoi je ne passerai plus jamais par iTunes pour louer ou acheter un film
Hier, j’ai essayé de regarder avec mon mec un film via iTunes et c’était la première et dernière fois. Melancholia, de Lars Von Trier, coûte 16,99€ à l’achat en HD, 13,99€ en SD, et se loue pour respectivement 4,99€ et 3,99€. Comme je refuse de cautionner des tarifs iniques, je me rabats sur la location…
Remix, Reuse, Use, Abuse
As I wrote immediately after the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear our appeal: « Today I urge everyone to make sure that the entertainment industry does not profit from them anymore. Stop seeing their movies. Stop listening to their music. Make sure that you find alternative ways to culture. « Spread and participate in culture. Remix, reuse,…
I did a complete snapshot of ALL the Pirate Bay torrents, in case somebody wants to close it or something similarly crazy, he told TorrentFreak. Using this script, allisfine managed to copy the title, id, file size, seeds, leechers and magnet links of 1,643,194 torrents. Comments were not copied to keep the files as small…
Nothing to do with piracy
But, once again, let’s look at what really happened here. The key reason why the sales fell over that time was because as most people shifted online, the studios fought as hard as possible to keep movies from being sold online. Instead, they focused on a ridiculous, years-long fight over which would be the new…
Le peer to peer des objets
Signe de la tendance, en plus de l’intérêt de sociétés comme Dassault ou HP, les responsables de The Pirate Bay viennent justement d’ouvrir une nouvelle catégorie sur le portail. Baptisée Physibles, cette section est destinée à rassembler tous les liens BitTorrent permettant de télécharger des schémas d’impression pour imprimantes 3D. Il s’agit d’une étape supplémentaire…