“Smash” : The walk of shame

Since I wrote that passionate defense of the NBC series, I’ve tumbled out of bed, grabbed my purse, and taken a long walk of shame. Because—to switch metaphors mid-stream, the way Smash does with plots—since its delightful pilot, the show has taken a nosedive so deep I’m surprised my ears haven’t popped. All the caveats I noted but dismissed in my earlier review have become the definingly awful features of Smash.

Hate-watching Smash, Culture Desk, The New Yorker.

Quand une critique prend le temps de faire un deuxième article qui explique longuement pourquoi elle s’est trompé en encensant Smash, et pourquoi cette série est, en définitive, pourrie, je crois que c’est vraiment mauvais signe pour la dite-—uvre.

