Tina and Megan and Stephen and Jon

I was reading the Fall TV Preview 2008 on EW, everything you need to know about the shows you need to watch, when I stumbled upon this : a real Megan Mullaly Alert in 30 Rock! Hiiiiiiiiiii! For the few straight people reading this, Megan was the much-loved Karen Walker in Will and Grace. And while you’re at it, you can read this : Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: Mock the Vote, where they re-create the controversial  »New Yorker » cover illustration of Barack and Michelle Obama:

In the midst of re-creating the controversial New Yorker cover illustration of Barack and Michelle Obama for the cover photo that graces this week’s print edition of Entertainment Weekly, Jon Stewart stops briefly to pose a taste question. As he stands by the catering table in « secret Muslim » garb, he ponders, « Would it be weird to be dressed like this and have a bagel, salmon, and a schmear? » Pseudo-blowhard Stephen Colbert has his own worries. Striking his best Michelle-as-Black-Panther pose, he glances at the original cartoon and realizes that he’s « hippier » than the potential First Lady. Gesturing at his own waist, he moans, « I could drop a baby like a peasant. »

Not only funny, but also smart interview, as usual with those two. I love EW.

