Fashion’s Dirty Little Secret
In the american fashion industry, there is very little intellectual property protection. No copyrights brings more creativity. That’s how fashion designers have been able to transform utilitarian articles into art. Fascinating.
Atwood in the Twittersphere, eh ?
Seven Things I Learned from World of Warcraft.
The true iPad
Old and New
I need to talk to you about computers.
And whiskers on kittens
Google Vague is so yesterday : Raindrop, de Mozilla, c’est le futur.
Dungeons and Google
Scoop ! On a enfin trouvé une utilité à Google Wave : jouer au jeu de rôle. Playing Online: Google Wave & Google Wave: we came, we saw, we played D&D.
Mass Media
Le téléphone mobile : 1er des médias de masse.
OneSwarm: Privacy preserving P2P. Semble parfait pour échanger des fichiers de travail lourds avec vos proches. Et les proches de vos proches.
Mon nom est personne
Personas. How does the internet see you? Visiblement pas, bien: « No visible traces found. » Should I be offended ? [via]