La chute vertigineuse des revenus publicitaires papier (USA)

The decline in newspaper ad revenues to a 60-year low is amazing by itself, but the sharp decline in recent years is pretty stunning. Last year’s ad revenues of about $21 billion were less than half of the $46 billion spent just four years ago in 2007, and less than one-third of the $64 billion spent in 2000.

 » Newspaper Ad Revenues Fall to 60-Yr. Low in 2011, Carpe Diem. Ce sont des chiffres pour les États-Unis. Note pour plus tard: Trouver un autre business model.

And what is this cultural problem? According to Pew, several of the senior managers who were interviewed described a culture of inertia that made change difficult to achieve within the paper, and another executive said bluntly that there’s no doubt we’re going out of business right now. According to this executive, no one wanted to take the risk of trying to change or innovate because of a fear that they would not succeed — and then their company would fail anyway, and they would be blamed for it. There might be a 90-percent chance you’ll accelerate the decline if you gamble and a 10-percent chance you might find the new model, this executive said, and no one is willing to take that chance.

 » Newspapers: It’s not a revenue problem, it’s a culture problem, GigaOM. [Les deux articles via la newsletter de LinkedIn qui se trouve être particulièrement pertinente en ce moment. Je ne regrette pas d’avoir eu la flemme de me désabonner.]

