Washoe est la première chimpanzé ayant appris à communiquer grâce à la langue des signes :
Washoe greeted Kat [the caretaker] in just this way when she finally returned to work with the chimps. Kat made her apologies to Washoe, then decided to tell her the truth, signing “MY BABY DIED.” Washoe stared at her, then looked down. She finally peered into Kat’s eyes again and carefully signed “CRY”, touching her cheek and drawing her finger down the path a tear would make on a human. (Chimpanzees don’t shed tears.) Kat later remarked that that one sign told her more about Washoe and her mental capabilities than all her longer, grammatically perfect sentences.
Les nématodes parlent entre eux avec des molécules chimiques :
For example, the researchers found several molecules that tell nematodes to scatter and disperse. These molecules consist of only two building blocks. But adding a third building block called an indole changes the meaning completely: instead of “go away” the message becomes “everybody come here.” Nematode messages get even more complex by combining two or more different molecules, just like combining different words in a sentence makes for more complex meaning.
” ‘Worm speak’ uses chemicals to communicate.
Les perroquets sauvages apprennent leur nom en écoutant leurs parents :
But what parrots can do is they can say: “Eh Tom, wanna go get some food? I’m Bob.” And that’s pretty amazing.
” How a Parrot Learns its Name in the Wild.
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