5 ans de crise, le webdoc
Faillites d’établissements financiers, interventions des banques centrales, sommets mondiaux et européens, Sur 5 années de crise, les événements se sont succédé à un rythme soutenu. Nous avons retenu douze événements clés qui illustrent les tournants d’une crise aux multiples facettes: crise financière, crise économique et crise de la dette. Plusieurs économistes, dont Geert Noels, Etienne…
Attraper une boule de feu
Initially, we had suspicions. Is this video a set-up? Or an old clip copied from elsewhere and reposted as new? Because if not, we knew this was something news organizations would be interested in. So we set about sleuthing. The first stop, the video itself, revealed very little: No specific location was attached, no date…
La manipulation artistique de la photographie
It was probably less than ten minutes that went by from the invention of photography to the point where people realized they could lie with photographs, said film director Errol Morris in an interview with Motherboard last year. But the lies that curator Mia Fineman is concerned with don’t involve moving cannon balls onto a…
Médias, visiteurs et Edgerank Facebook
J’ai constaté récemment que la page facebook de ( nous envoyait moins de lecteurs qu’auparavant. Il semblerait que les règles d’apparition d’une mise à jour d’un profil ou d’un page —commandées par l’algorythme Edgerank— dans nos fils ait changé. Liz Huron, directrice des médias sociaux au Wall Street Journal, au profil de laquelle je…
Guild Wars 2 : l’appel aux armes
In losing the monthly fee ArenaNet have given themselves the freedom to excise the MMORPG’s accreted dross: the subscription-prolonging treadmill, the trickle-down economics of fun that says that only your elites have paid enough to get to see the cool dragon. Then, that spirit of change has passed through every other assumption that MMOs make…
La fin de l’obsolescence
The desktop’s evolution is effectively over and the laptop isn’t far behind. The latter is being driven by advances in 3D graphics and GPGPU capability. These abilities are than backported to the desktop space, where they keep things moving along, at least a bit. Tablets and phones are now driving evolution in computing, and that’s…
Les 10 films les plus piratés de 2011 ne sont pas disponibles en ligne
And if you don’t make your product available legally, guess what? The people will get it illegally. Traffic to illegal download sites has more than sextupled since 2009, and file downloading is expected to grow about 23 percent annually until 2015. Why? Of the 10 most pirated movies of 2011, guess how many of them…
Internet VS. TV
More than 3.2 million people tuned in to the live streaming platform to see Sunday night’s landing of the Mars Curiosity rover, according to spokesman Tony Riggins. More people tuned in to watch the NASA Mars landing coverage on Ustream than many of the top cable news networks during Sunday primetime, he told Mashable in…
Les films snuff, ennemis du crime
Somewhat unsurprisingly, gore site fans use the « guns don’t kill people » argument when addressing this question. « I genuinely believe you already have it in you to do something like that, » says Niki. After watching over a decade of gore videos, Niki says, « I’ve NEVER had the idea to harm another human being EVER. » Gorehounds say…
Combien coûterait la reconstruction de New York suite aux combats des Avengers?
Overall, the total cost to rebuild buildings, water, electrical, communications, underground transport, and overground transport in new york city totals about $28,741,000,000,000 : $28.7 Trillion. This does not count the sewer system, the gas mains, landmarks, or the cost to clear and clean up the wreckage. » How much damage in terms of monetary value,…