That terrible lost world

For one thing, he’s willing to unambiguously talk about his sexual orientation. His eight-month role in Angels was both the most challenging thing I’ve ever done as an actor and the most rewarding he says. Having to inhabit that terrible lost world, if only in his mind, took a toll. And at the same time, as a gay man, it made me feel like there’s still so much work to be done, and there’s still so many things that need to be looked at and addressed.

” What’s Up, Spock?, New YorK Magazine. Ce qui est intéressant ici, c’est que ce qui le pousse à faire son coming-out, c’est ce qui a, en grande partie, alimenté le feu du mouvement de libération gay : la proximité de la mort à travers l’épidémie de sida. La puissance de Angels in America reste intacte. «Ce terrible monde perdu», comme il dit, n’est pas si loin qui ça.

